The New York Times


(front-end production)
(digital design)

The full archive of my work can be found here︎︎︎.
Highlighting a couple articles during my time as a fellow on the digital news design team. Click on thumbnail to read the story.


  The New York Times
  (front-end production)

The full archive of my work can be found here︎︎︎.

Highlighting a couple articles during my time as a fellow on the digital news design team. Click on thumbnail to read the story.

A variety of dining experiences featuring a fork shaped scroll bar on desktop view in the 2024 national restaurant list. 
In collaboration with Umi Syam.

Want something to read? Explore the book desk’s new Starter Pack series. Animation currently featured in Classic Romance Starter Pack.

For Saw’s 20th anniversary, what would you do if you were in the film? In collaboration with Sean Catangui and Rumsey Taylor.

My biggest feat in coding so far but also the first year for Times’ annual 52 places to allow readers saving their locations to a shareable card. Design and produced in collaboration with Gabriel Gianordoli.

Have you ever peeked into someone else’s grocery cart? My first piece at the Times on what grocery carts can say about us.
In collaboration with Aliza Aufrichtig.

The Panda Factories
In collaboration with Rumsey Taylor.


In collaboration with other reporting and visual editors, our goal was to strengthen the story through visuals when we deem fit.


NYT Cheltenham, Franklin, and Imperial
Code using sveltekit via nytimes’ Birdkit (internal publishing tool) 


In collaboration with other reporting and visual editors, our goal was to strengthen the story through visuals when we deem fit.


NYT Cheltenham, Franklin, and Imperial
Code using sveltekit via nytimes’ Birdkit (internal publishing tool)